Thursday, December 15, 2005

An unreal land

Our Man/Woman/Thing Michael [Jackson] has been at it again. Being caught in an Abaya in... Bin Sharmuta Mall. One wonders whether it was an abaya or was it another one of Michael’s oh-so-cool outfits.

One wonders how Michael is coping with this weather. Considering the temperatures in this country, I am surprised his face hasn’t melted off leaving him looking like a uglified Freddy Kruger.

What pissed me off about this whole episode is how the poor lady had to hand over the mobile phone on which she took a pic of good wholesome Mike there. Isn’t this wrong?? I mean isn’t MJ the one who was in the women’s restroom?? I would just like to congratulate the people here on another great show of justice.

This is a post on a remarkable blog about Dubai. It's called Dubai Blog, and if you know Dubai, you'll know that the blog's tagline - 'The most prestigious 10MB on the net" - is a play on the 'prestigious' tag that Dubai keeps playing up. This site is full of insights about how the place works ("Only in Dubai, will you be fined for eating in public during ramadan but can pick up a prozzie in broad daylight with no fear whatsoever" and "Only in Dubai, do they think making copies of the 7 wonders is an "original" thing to do").

The blog was first blocked by Etisalat, the telecommunications authority, before he shut it down. Google has its cache, however.

Though I like the city, it's hard to not agree with this man. There are some very crazy things there.

(Link via Metroblogs)


|| sbk || said...

I so know what you mean...and by the way..the mall which Wacko Jacko was caught in is called Ibn Battuta mall.


|| sbk || said...

I so know what you mean...and by the way..the mall which Wacko Jacko was caught in is called Ibn Battuta mall.
